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Showcase Health Professions Education

The School of Health Professions Education provides a Masters of Health Professions Education in which learners acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes to design and provide effective, efficient, and enjoyable education in the health professions. One of the learning tasks in this Master requires learners to apply to 4C/ID model for (re)designing a (part of a) curriculum in their own setting. Particularly impressive contributions (those graded 9/10 or higher) are showcased below with permission of the respective creator.

Webinars (in Dutch)

During the Covid pandemic, several online sessions were organised in which which Dutch users of the 4C/ID model presented their applications and designs. The sessions were facilitated by Jimmy Frerejean (Maastricht University) and Iwan Wopereis (Open University of the Netherlands). 4C/ID founder Jeroen van Merriënboer was also present.

The playlist with all four webinars can be found on YouTube.